Zoé Sanchez Llaudet

Sex: Female

Occupation: Student at the Lycée Comte de Foix

Interested in: Rugby, singing, music and children

Birthday: 3rd August

Hi! I’m Zoé. I’m 14 years old. I live in Andorra. I like surfing the Internet because I Love discovering new things. Here is my profile.

My favourite sport is rugby. I have been practising rugby for 9 years.

I like listening to music but I prefer singing and I have been singing 6 years for in the small choir of: Petits Cantors d’Andorra.

I Love children, especially because I think they are very intelligent.


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My best friends is Ainara. She is 15. She loves being with her friends, she is very curious, although because of her curiosity she gets in to trouble. But I love her.